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Trusted Pardons Business Closure

By 9 November 2016June 22nd, 2022No Comments

Pardon Applications of Canada (PAC), an A+ Accredited nationwide application processing firm using RCMP Accredited fingerprints, has recently been fielding a volume of inquiries from clients affected by the apparent closure of an unaccredited competitive service formerly known as “Trusted Pardons”.

According to an alert posted by the Better Business Bureau, “Trusted Pardons” has gone out of business, potentially leaving these clients stranded in the midst of their service.

This notice is to clarify that “Trusted Pardons” is in no way affiliated with Pardon Applications of Canada and never has been.  Further, there is no way in which Pardon Applications of Canada could obtain file information from an unaccredited service that has gone out of business.  Therefore, any applicants who paid funds to “Trusted Pardons”, or were in the midst of their application process with this unaccredited service, must start their file over.

Applicants seeking to start a Pardon (record suspension) or U.S. Waiver application with the A+ Accredited Pardon Applications of Canada should contact 1-866-383-9744 – (Ext. 1) or Apply Now.

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