Maybe if the following people understood the implications of a criminal record and how profoundly it can affect their lives, they would not have been so, ah … careless (we’re being kind) in perpetrating their crimes.
- Stealing Trucks is Exhausting Work – Two men were arrested after police stopped to check out a suspicious truck in Agassiz, BC. The police found the two sleeping in the truck. A license plate check showed that the truck, and the snowmobile it was carrying, had been reported stolen. RCMP BC
- Dad Hides Heroin in Baby’s Diaper – OK, aside from potentially harming a helpless child and carrying illegal narcotics, this might seem like a good idea at the time. Who wants to check a baby’s diaper? But don’t try to stash the heroin while the police are questioning you, and refuse to put the baby down. That’s what a Delaware man did after police stopped him for questioning due to an outstanding arrest warrant. The Smoking Gun
- Facebook Foils Felon – Social media becomes more popular everyday and keeping up with online friends and acquaintances can be very time consuming, even for crooks. One burglar felt the need to check his Facebook profile in the middle of robbing a home – using the homeowner’s computer. Fair enough, but the burglar didn’t log out of Facebook when he was done. If that didn’t make it easy enough to identify the thief, he then agreed to meet the homeowner to get back clothing he had left at the scene. The Huffington Post
- Woman Posts Selfies in Stolen Dress – We all like to show off new things. But we should limit the habit to those new things that we didn’t steal. After swiping a distinctive leopard-print dress from a local store, Danielle Sexton proudly posted selfies on Facebook of her in the new dress. The owner of the store Sexton robbed also posted images of the dress. Facebook followers spotted the similarity and called police. The Huffington Post
- Persistence Doesn’t Pay Off – Leigh Barry must have lost one too many bets. After entering a bookmakers in Birmingham, UK, he attempted to smash the glass that protects employees and the money. When the brick he brought with him didn’t work, he tried using a nearby chair. When that too failed he went at the glass with a pair of gardening shears that he appears to pull from his trousers. Barry spent so long in his futile attempts to gain entry, police were ready for him when he finally left. Yahoo UK News
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