by Chris Heringer, CEO, Pardon Applications of Canada
In the last article, we took a closer look at the Local Police Records phase of the Pardon application process. Congratulations! You are nearing the end of the Pardon application process.
What’s next? It is now time to write your Personal Statements. These statements must itemize, in detail:
1. The Specific Benefits a Pardon will Bring to Your Life
You must indicate clearly what the government of Canada defines as “Measurable Benefits”. That is, the specific ways a Pardon will measurably benefit your life going forward, and how it will sustain your rehabilitation into society as a law abiding citizen.
2. Positive Changes You Have Made in Your Life, Since Your Conviction(s)
You must demonstrate, in writing, the specific changes you have made since your last charge. You may also include supporting documents, such as community awards or accomplishments.
3. Specific Detail on Each Offence.
You must describe, in detail, how and why each of the offences were committed.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the 1st of the above requirements.
The Measurable Benefits of a Pardon
A Pardon can help you in a number of ways, most notably:
● improving your employability (surviving a criminal background check by an employer);
● volunteering with an organization;
● travelling abroad with increased confidence;
● securing a work or residence lease/contract;
● adoption;
● obtaining a NEXUS card;
● providing closure on past mistakes;
● removal of the stigma associated with having a criminal record;
● overall peace of mind knowing your record is sealed in Canada.
It is up to you to specifically explain which of the above provide measurable benefits in your life – the exact terminology used by the government of Canada in its Pardon application requirements.
Dusting off the old dictionary (remember those?) describes the term “measurable” as: “able to be measured, perceptible or significant”. This suggests that simply stating that you want a Pardon is not good enough. You must relate the benefits it would bring you to the specifics in your life.
This is the time to share your story in support of your application. Generally, you should seek to write a minimum of 100 words per conviction.
If you are already an applicant of Pardon Applications of Canada, make sure you ask about professional Pardon Writing Services where an Officer speaks with you by phone and then writes excellent statements on your behalf.
In the next article, we’ll take a look at your next required statement: demonstrating positive changes you’ve made in your life since your conviction(s).
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Chris Heringer is CEO/Chairman of Pardon Applications of Canada, a nationwide processing firm which serves thousands of Canadians yearly in the process to obtain a Canadian Pardon (Record Suspension) and/or U.S. Waiver application. For more information, obtain a free email qualification report or call 1-866-383-9744.