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3 Things to Do Before Starting Your Pardon

By 1 April 2016June 22nd, 2022No Comments

by Renee Robinson, Pardon & Waiver Officer with Pardon Applications of Canada

Have you thought about starting your criminal Pardon (Record Suspension)? If you answered yes, there are criteria you need to meet prior to starting the process of obtaining your Pardon. As you are probably already aware, the process to get your Pardon is not one that happens overnight, so it definitely pays to get started as early as possible in order to avoid any issues or delays.

Here are 3 things to do before starting your application for a Pardon:

Ensure sentencing is complete

It is important that before even considering starting a Pardon that you confirm all of your sentencing has been completed. Whether you were given probation, fines, restitution or community service work—anything the Court assigned for you to complete must be completed before starting the process to obtain your Pardon.

Complete wait period

The Parole Board of Canada requires that you complete a mandatory wait period before you are considered eligible to apply for a Pardon. There is a 5 year wait period for all summary offences and a 10 year wait period for all indictable offences—it would be best to confirm with the Court whether they proceeded summarily or indictably if you are unsure. The date your sentence was satisfied would also be the date you paid your fine, victim fine surcharge or any restitution that was assigned to you. Therefore, the wait period begins once you have completed sentencing and not when the conviction took place.

Confirm eligibility/qualification

Did you know there are a few factors that can deem you or anyone you know, permanently ineligible for a Pardon? It would be wise to confirm your qualifications before starting your Pardon, the last thing you would want would be to pay to begin the process to obtain your Pardon, only to find out you are not qualified or permanently ineligible for a Canadian Pardon. The following are a few of the factors that could make someone ineligible for a Pardon:

  • Any sexual offence involving a minor;
  • Common assault or assault with intent to commit an indictable offence against a child (committed before January 4, 1983); and
  • More than 3 offences prosecuted by indictment, each with a prison sentence of 2 years or more.

For more information, see if you qualify for a Canadian Pardon and receive a free email report.

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Renee Robinson is an A+ Accredited Pardon (Record Suspension) & U.S. Waiver Officer with Pardon Applications of Canada.  Established in 2011, the private firm with nationwide offices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Ottawa & Toronto has responded to and processed more than 75,000 record suspension inquiries and applications.

Pardon Applications of Canada is A+ Accredited via the Better Business Bureau, uses RCMP Accredited fingerprints and has real reviews by actual applicants.  Communication and transparency are at the heart of the Pardon Applications of Canada service. 


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